Use technology to strategically support student learning

Yearly Based Objectives Actions for Year 2 Criteria (Meansures) and/or Outcomes

Actions/Results to Date

Responsible Person

4.1 Increase number of automated processes used in BANNER

4.1.1 Continue the implementation of imaging

4.1.2 Continue the implementation of Workflow

4.1.3 Continue the interface BANNER/PAWS with eCollege

4.1.4 Create training videos for Key Banner forms and PAWS forms

4.1.5 Begin moving INB servers from Solaris to Linux

4.1.1 Meet with Banner Module leaders and select next department to go live.

Create necessary process maps and begin processes.

4.1.2 Meet with Banner Module leaders and select next department to go live.

Create necessary process maps and begin processes.

4.1.3 Work with eCollege to further automate interface

4.1.4 Meet with Module Leaders and determine which would be helpful process to record and then select who would then create the videos.

4.1.5 Research licensing and support issues then make a timeline with budget considerations and move forward.

4.1.1 placed on hold due to workloads

 4.1.2 Contracted with SCT Banner Tech support to help build servers. Two servers are built a prod and test. Have put patches and upgrades in both Banner prod and test. Further development placed on hold because of work loads.

4.1.3 Collaboration is moving ahead with SCT connector being setup in March. Plan to have project in Test by summer.

4.1.4 DIG has submitted an AQIP action project to meet this goal. Planned completion this fall.

4.1.5 Virtual servers have been configured. Testing in process. 

Created a VMware ESXi server and setup four linux virtual machines. Trained internal staff on how to perform snapshots.

Met with Oracle about site licenses. The bid was to high.


Dean of Information Services (DIS)
4.2 Update technology

4.2.1 Implement CBJT grant technology

4.2.2 Implement Title III grant technology

4.2.3 Technology for new rooms

4.2.1 Obtain grant requirements, produce timelines and processes.
Implement the grant.

4.2.2 Obtain grant requirements, produce timelines and processes.
Implement the grant.

4.2.3 Determine needs and funding and provide appropriate technology in new rooms.

 4.2.1 Installed all equipment at grant locations 10-10-09

4.2.2 Working to create the necessary inventories and plans to proceed with grant. Ready to order equipment for personnel


The funds available for the FY 10 Tech Grant have been spent. The funds supported technology enhancements in 12 classrooms (C113, C146, F145, S112, FT-7406, S-138, S-150, S-151, T-105, T-107, T-138 and T-186) as well as wireless access for the new additions involved in the current construction project.



4.3 AQIP 6P4
4.3 Answer from an IS perspective

Supporting Institutional Operations

6P4 How do you manage your key student, administrative and organizational support service processes on a day-to-day basis to ensure that they are addressing the needs you intended them to meet?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 6P4 page

 Completed Answer


Student Life consists of several areas:

Student Activities – A program that provides variety of experiences that will add to the enjoyment and stimulate personal growth and social development. Measure: Student Satisfaction w/Activities

Student Health – The College employs a registered nurse to help maintain a state of optimum health both physical and emotional. Measure: The continues number of students that seek services

Campus Housing – Housing is available to students that are full time with at least 12 semester hours. It provides accommodations with a food plan all for a reasonable fee. Security officers patrol the campus and campus housing 24 hours a day. Measure: By the number of students that contract the service.

Link to spreadsheet with charted information

4.4 AQIP 6P5

4.4 Answer from an IS perspective AQIP 6P5

Supporting Institutional Operations

6P5 How do you document your support processes to encourage knowledge sharing, innovation, and empowerment?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 6P5 page


 Completed Answer


Barton provides information on the web sites for all to access.


Process Maps

Strategic Plan

Policies and Procedure

As we continue to document processes, we will need to ensure that we market the existence, the location, and the use of these documents so that they can truly be used by stakeholders to learn about and understand processes.

Link to spreadsheet with charted information

4.5 AQIP 7P7 4.5 Answer from an IS perspective AQIP 7P7

Supporting Institutional Operations

7P7 How do you ensure the timeliness, accuracy, reliability, and security of your information system(s) and related processes?

Answer will be placed on AQIP 7P7 page

 Completed Answer

 The SunGard SCT/Banner system has fine grained access controls to ensure the proper access levels. The college strives to replace hardware every 5 years. Barton freezes data on an as needed basis to ensure data is reproducible. The AQIP Quality Council form the Data Integrity Group (DIG) will be charged with mapping processes for the collection of data and for the creation of reports that meet the needs of our stakeholders. DIS

4.6 AQIP 9P4

4.6 Answer from an IS perspective AQIP 9P4

Supporting Institutional Operations

9P4 How do you create, prioritize, and build relationships with the organizations that supply materials and services to your institution?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 9P4 page

 Completed Answer

 Admissions doesn't really work to establish these area of relationships. However, Admissions operates with the values of always being a representative of Barton whether it is work related or within our personal lives. [Todd] DIS

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