Strategic Goal 5:
Enhance College Operated Effectiveness and Efficiency



Yearly Objectives

Action Items

Responsible Person

5.1  Identify deferred maintenance needs in support of student learning Campus wide master plan has been created (2-25-11). Ongoing deferred maintenance list has been updated (3-10-11).  Dean of Administration
5.2  Continue with implementation of Emergency Operation Plan EOP plan has been updated. A fire drill was conducted 10-14-10 and a tornado drill conducted 3-10-11. Dean of Administration
5.3  Reduce the loss of books in LSEC and College Programs The project has not been completed due to available personnel. Selected tasks have been measured for the man-hours required to complete the task.

The inventory of the LSEC books takes 10 hours and 15 minutes. The time between cycles has been 2 to 3 days with two of the days being the weekend. Inventory was completed during the weekends to ensure accountability of the books prior to issuing the books to the next cycle.

Book repair time is 14 minutes per book. The actual time of repair varied depending on the condition of the book. Due to lack of time the book repair was not able to be completed on books being reissued. Some books not issued where repair but due to lack of personnel not all books were repaired.

The Customer service representative (CSR) requires three (3) hours to organize, track, and produce the end of cycle missing book listing which is sent to the instructor the next day after class ends. We have not been able to meet the timeline for the last four cycles due to the workload in the customer service section.

Students not returning the book the last day of class may return the book at anytime. CSR is required to have the student complete a book receipt, explain the importance for the student to retaining the book receipt, file the books sheet, and remove the block/hold in Banner on the student. The completion time for the book return to removing the block can take up to 15 minutes per book.

The use of student hire has provided some assistance with the inventory, maintenance of books and repositioning books for upcoming cycle. Student hire has very limited time to work on the books due to the class schedule. The time the student has worked over a 9 month period July to March is 148.75 hours. Tasks not completed are comparing book inventory with student sign out sheet, and student blocks in Banner. No time was available for calling, sending out letters, or tracking down students for missing books. .

The number of books not being returned has decrease due to the students not able to enroll in the upcoming LSEC cycle due to not returning the books on the last day of class.
AQIP Action Project
Dean of Fort Riley
5.4  Increase external funding to support institutional, departmental, and programmatic goals.   Director of Grants



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