Enhance college decisions with data driven and evidence based thinking.



Yearly Based Objective

Action for Year 2

Criteria (Measures) and/or Outcomes

Actions/Results to Date

Responsible Person

3.1 Increase the availability of standardized data

3.1.1 Define standardized data

3.1.1 Continue developing PODs on the new web site and list standardized data

3.1.1 Expand data dictionary definitions click here also keep expanding chart sections. 

Presented web site data overview to the Board 11/19/09 explaining where the data is located.

Created four different index pages on the web for data - administration, community, faculty and staff.

DIS, Vice President (VP)

3.2 Increase use of data by improving understanding and access

3.2.1 Produce training videos for accessing standardized data.

3.2.2 Continue expanding data dictionary.

3.2.1 - produce 2 videos and place on internet.

3.2.2 - further enhancements of the web page

3.2.1 - Ray is working on videos

3.2.2 Training users to send IR email whenever a definition is missing. Click here for link.


3.3 Define, articulate, and implement Data Integrity Group's AQIP Action Project framework

3.3.1 DIG will meet to define action items.
 DIG close current action project and begin a new one

3.3.1 DIG Action project has been submitted to HLC click here to access HLC action project site. Select Barton from the drop down menu to read project.

DIG has completed current action project and new one has been placed on HLC site

Data Integrity Group (DIG), President (Pres) , VP, DIS

3.4 AQIP 3P6 3.4 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 3P6

Understanding Students and Other Stakeholders Needs

3P6 How do you collect complaint information from students and other stakeholders? How do you analyze this feedback and select courses of action? How do you communicate these actions to your students and stakeholders?

Answer will be place on the AQIP 3P6 page.

Completed Answer  Answer is extensive click here at access


3.5 AQIP 3R1 3.5 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 3R1

Understanding Students and Other Stakeholders Needs

3R1 How do you determine the satisfaction of your students and other stakeholders? What measures of student and other stakeholder satisfaction do you collect and analyze regularly?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 3R1 page

Completed Answer [Admissions] Feedback surveys/evaluations and personal contact/follow up.

[Angie Maddy] various surveys - advisement, housing, graduation, fall 2008 email survey, number of or absence of complaints, number of "Difference Award" nominations?

[Simmons, Elaine] Student/participant evaluations

[Rick Abel] Student satisfaction is measured by such quantitative measures designed and executed by Barton’s Official Accreditation Committee (OAC). Additionally, students are asked to complete a survey for each class they are enrolled. Information collected by OAC is then analyzed by the committee and data, prioritized, is then provided to the college for action. The Dean reviews all class survey results and, by similar manner, analyzes such data and determines the action.

[Diane Engle] There is conversation during an event or activity, it can be determined if there is student satisfaction. There is a housing survey that is done for Channel 52 on the Residential Life Movies.

[Bill Nash] Surveys, phone calls and comments.

[Caicey Crutcher] We use CCSSE/Noel levitz and the Graduation Survey to measure student satisfaction.

What measures of student and other stakeholder satisfaction do you collect and analyze regularly?

[Admissions] Feedback surveys/evaluations and personal contact/follow up.

[Angie Maddy] advisement, housing, graduation survey

[Simmons, Elaine] Student/participant evaluations

[Bill Nash] Surveys, student critiques.

3.6 AQIP 3R2 3.6 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 3R2

Understanding Students and Other Stakeholders Needs

AQIP 3R2 What are your performance results for student satisfaction?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 3R2 page

Completed Answer [Admissions] Based on feedback we receive, for the most part things are good.

[Simmons, Elaine] Overall, whether traditional classes, short-term customized training and/or seminars/workshops, ratings are good to excellent.

[Diane Engle] Good

[Bill Nash] Above average for most classes.


3.7 AQIP 3R3 3.7 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 3R3

Understanding Students and Other Stakeholders Needs

AQIP 3R3 What are your performance results for building relationships with your students?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 3R3 page

Completed Answer [Admissions] Based on feedback we receive, for the most part things are good.

[Simmons, Elaine] Not able to respond.

[Diane Engle] Good

[Bill Nash] Those that are in programs are working great we need to improve on CERT 1 students.


3.8 AQIP 7P1 3.8 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7R1

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7R1 What measures of the performance and effectiveness of your system for information and knowledge management do you collect and analyze regularly?

Answer will be placed in the  AQIP 7R1 page

Completed Answer Bi-monthly Board ENDs reports

Monthly Board financial data

Weekly enrollment comparisons

Yearly enrollment data


3.9 AQIP 7P2 3.9 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7R2

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7R2 What is the evidence that your system for Measuring Effectiveness meets your organization's needs in accomplishing its mission and goals?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 7R2 page

Completed Answer  Feedback from Board Members


3.10 AQIP 7P3 3.10 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7P3

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7P3 How do you determine the needs of your departments and units related to the collection, storage, and accessibility of data and performance information?

Answer will be placed on AQIP 7P3 page

Completed Answer Departmental needs in the area of data collection, storage and accessibility are determined in various ways. The AQIP Quality Council form the Data Integrity Group (DIG) will be charged with mapping processes for the collection of data and for the creation of reports that meet the needs of our stakeholders.

Data is frozen on an as needed basis to ensure reproducible reports.

Departments talk directly to the Coordinator of Institutional and Instructional Research with requests.


3.11 AQIP 7P4 3.11 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7P4

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7P4 How, at the organizational level, do you analyze data and information regarding overall performance? How are these analyses shared throughout the organization?

Answer will be placed in the AQIP 7P4 page

Completed Answer  

Institutional Research department produces bi-monthly board reports reflecting how the college is meeting the board ENDs.

Public data is placed on the college institutional research web site. Internal data is on a shared drive on a Microsoft server with the appropriate permissions in place.


3.12 AQIP 7P5 3.12 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7P5

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7P5 How do you determine the needs and priorities for comparative data and information? What are your criteria and methods for selecting sources of comparative data and information within and outside the higher education community?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 7P5 page

Completed Answer IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System)

KSPSD (Kansas Postsecondary Database)

KHEER (Kansas Higher Education Enrollment Report)

KBOR Core Indicators

Kansas Study

NCCBP (National Community College Benchmark Project)

KACCBO (Kansas Association of Community College Business Officers)

CCSSE (Community College Survey of Student Engagement)

Noel Levitz



Campus Crime and Security

EADA Survey (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)


3.13 AQIP 7P6 3.13 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7P6

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7P6 How do you ensure department and unit analysis of data and information aligns with your organizational goals for instructional and non-instructional programs and services? How is this analysis shared?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 7P6 page

Completed Answer  The yearly college planning process is administered by Management Council and aligns departmental goals with college goals.


3.14 AQIP 7P7 3.14 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7P7

Measuring Effectiveness

How do you ensure the timeliness, accuracy, reliability, and security of your information system(s) and related processes?

Answer will be placed in the AQIP 7P7 page

Completed Answer  The SunGard SCT/Banner system has fine grained access controls to ensure the proper access levels. The college strives to replace hardware every 5 years. Barton freezes data on an as needed basis to ensure data is reproducible. The AQIP Quality Council form the Data Integrity Group (DIG) will be charged with mapping processes for the collection of data and for the creation of reports that meet the needs of our stakeholders.


3.15 AQIP 7R1 3.15 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7R1

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7R1 What measures of the performance and effectiveness of your system for information and knowledge management do you collect and analyze regularly?

Answer will be placed in the AQIP 7R1 page

Completed Answer Bi-monthly Board ENDs reports

Monthly Board financial data

Weekly enrollment comparisons

Yearly enrollment data


3.16 AQIP 7R2 3.16 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7R2

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7R2 What is the evidence that your system for Measuring Effectiveness meets your organization's needs in accomplishing its mission and goals?

Answer will be placed in the AQIP 7R2 page

Completed Answer  Feedback from Board Members


3.17 AQIP 7R3 3.17 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7R3

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7R3 How do your results for the performance of your processes for Measuring Effectiveness compare with the results of other higher education organizations and, if appropriate, of organizations outside of higher education?

Answer will be placed in the AQIP 7R3 page

Completed Answer  At this point in time Barton does not have any current data available for comparison to other Kansas community colleges. We are doing the CCSSE survey spring of 2010 and will receive the results Fall 2010.


3.18 AQIP 7I1 3.18 Answer from an IR perspective 7I1

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7I1 What recent improvements have you made in this category? How systematic and comprehensive are your processes and performance results for Measuring Effectiveness?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 7I1 page

Completed Answer Freezing data started Fall 2008

Formed the Data Integrity Group

Increased Data on web with new web site Fall 2009


3.19 AQIP 7I2 3.19 Answer from an IR perspective AQIP 7I2

Measuring Effectiveness

AQIP 7I2 How do your culture and infrastructure help you to select specific processes to improve and to set targets for improved performance results in Measuring Effectiveness?

Answer will be placed on the AQIP 7I2 page

Completed Answer Barton encourages employees to participate in teams, forums and conversation days to bring forth concerns and ideas for improvements. An AQIP sub team has created and revised an action project process map to guide anyone in creating and submitting action projects. At the 2010 conversation days all employees were encouraged to attend, learn and discuss action projects, mission and Vision.





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